Take Action

Health Care Organizations

1. Commit to Acting for Equity

Commit to taking at least one action from each category described below.
Commit to Acting for Equity


1: Start by Signing up for the Learning Network

The Healthcare Organizations Learning Network is a network of up to 50 teams from across the nation who will come together for 12 months. They will build and practice the skills to obtain a deeper understanding of equity and racial justice that they can bring back to their organizations and communities. This no-cost Learning Network provides participants an opportunity to attend racial equity training led by the Groundwater Institute, along with monthly coaching support calls facilitated by subject matter experts. Healthcare organizations, community health centers, and health departments are invited to join the Learning Network by completing an application today. 

Applications will be accepted through January 2024. 

2. Getting Grounded in History & Your Local Context

Facilitate increasing knowledge among all staff and board members about the history of racism and other forms of oppression (sexism, ableism, classism, ageism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, etc.) at the national, local, and organizational levels.
Get grounded in history and local context


Provide staff with educational and professional development opportunities that equip health care professionals to advance racial justice and health equity

3. Identifying Opportunities for Improvement

Collect and stratify key clinical data, measures, and indicators by relevant sociodemographic factors (e.g., REALD and SOGI) to identify inequities. Gather qualitative data (e.g., individual and community experiences) to understand the full scope and context of inequities.
Identify opportunities for improvement


• Stratify key quality, safety, patient experience, and other patient-reported outcome data and indicators by relevant sociodemographic factors (e.g., REaLD and SOGI) to systematically identify harmful variation in health care delivery and outcomes

• Add an equity prompt to all harm-event reporting systems (e.g., patient safety/sentinel events) to increase detection of inequities

4. Taking Initiative

Systematically embed equity into the process, structure, and operations of all hospital activities (e.g., clinical, quality and safety, research).
Taking Initiative photo


• Address Inequities identified through harm-event reporting using equity-informed high-reliability practices to drive system-level improvements